Fyr Og Flamme | Biografia | Brani | Discografia | Concerti | Album | Discography | Testi

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Informazioni Fyr Og Flamme | 0 Fan!
Provenienza: Danimarca
Sono un gruppo musicale.


“Teenage idols your parents can understand!” - that’s how duo Fyr & Flamme describe themselves.

The duo (singer Jesper Groth and writer/producer Laurits Emanuel) felt a creative spark when they discovered they share a passion for Schlager and Eurovision songwriting, specifically from the late-1970s and 1980s.

Already popular in their home country, the pair of synth supremos have had big hits with their singles Kamæleon and Menneskeforbruger.

Øve os på hinanden (Practice on Each Other) is inspired by Dansk Melodi Grand Prix bops of the past, borrowing from those ‘70s discos tracks and ‘80s beats that force listeners to get up on their feet and stomp on over to the dance floor.

Laurits resides in a small town in Jylland with his wife and two kids, writing and producing songs, while popular comic actor Jesper lives in Copenhagen where he has...

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Come e dove seguire la Band Fyr Og Flamme

Eventi e concorsi a cui ha partecipato

Fyr Og Flamme

Altri Brani
1. Øve Os På Hinanden

*In rosso i testi non disponibili

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